Monday, July 2, 2007

Chicken Pox - False Alarm

Last Friday morning when I reached the childcare, Teacher Nalita washed my hand and legs per the normal routine check. After the checked, She asked Mummy to wait for awhile, she called Teacher Audrey to come. Teacher Audrey checked my body and said 'there are 2 spots on Ryan's body, these might be chicken pox'. Mummy got a shocked and claimed that I already had the jab, how can it be!! Teacher Audrey said there might still chance to get it though. At no choice, I was rejected and mummy brought me back to Ah Ma's house...... I was happy and keep telling mummy... 'Ryan cannot go school, Ryan got chicken pox....'

The Teachers called twice on Friday and Saturday to check how it me doing. I was perfectly alright. No Fever, no more new spot coming out.

On sunday, mummy brought me to see Dr Goh. The childcare need the doctor to certify that i'm ok before letting me in to the childcare centre.
Dr Goh, examined my spot and said 'these doesn't look like chicken pox, is dried and no holes. there is no more new spot coming out. so is safe to go back to school'. Mummy got a big big relieve...

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